You may have noticed that some PhD scholars successfully complete thesis, while a great majority is stuck mid-way or even decides to quit research with a downright disappointment. A systematic approach to a doctoral thesis writing can be your saviour and guide you through the infuriating research journey.
Let’s have a look at some approaches you can adopt to complete your Phd thesis systematically:
Pre-Thesis Stage Activities
A systematic approach starts right from the beginning when you have to choose a topic for your thesis project. If you are clear with your research topic, you can plunge into your probe. However, if you have several ideas to carry on research but no clear topic, you should do the following:
Set aside some time for citing research papers pertaining to your area for last five years and try to find out which topic fascinates you.
If you have found an interesting topic, try to look for an element that can be further investigated to fill a research gap.
Read about a topic that seems interesting to you and derive a research question that you want to address.
When you have drawn a list of topics, you should talk to your supervisor and take suggestions.
In case you need help with PhD thesis topic selection, you can contact online companies providing research coaching services.
Thesis Writing Stage
Once you have chosen a topic, you start conducting research on it. You cite literature, decide research methodologies, collect and analyse data, and take notes of your findings. Once this entire process has finished, you come to the writing stage. Most scholars are on a look out for PhD thesis help when it comes to writing down that lengthy chunk of research.
Tip: Make thesis writing plan and stick to it
As you follow your writing plan, you should ask questions; whether you are able to complete chapters as you planned, whether you are providing enough details in each section of thesis, whether each section explains well your original contribution to existing knowledge. If you find that your schedule is not working fine, you should change your working practices, for example, keep fixed writing hours.
The most important person who will assist you with writing is your supervisor. Be in touch with your supervisor and keep taking feedback regularly. Take negative feedback seriously and work in that direction to mend errors. However, more than often scholars fail in getting sufficient time from their supervisor and take help from research coaching service providers.
Planning your entire doctoral experience well in advance does wonders, both for your peace of mind and submitting a research-worthy doctoral thesis. If you need any help in completing your thesis, get in touch with team offering PhD thesis completion services in India.